We saw the 56ºF and plenty of sunshine at Cherry Creek Shooting Park yesterday, but who ordered that wind?
14 or 15 brave souls, including three of our country's bravest and finest, barely outlasted the windiest day we have seen at Cherry Creek in many years. Don Freuden again provided hot drinks and some sweets for the attendees, plus a fist full of $5.00 bills for those shooters who busted the famous "white clays" when they appeared. The Doubles Event provided some spectacular shooting by several of our group, three of which made the podium!
Congratulations to the Champions of the Polar Bear!

TOP GUN went to John Sevo (left), RUNNER-UP tie to Bill Midkiff and Kemp Pace.
Our Lady Shooters were smarter than the guys; they either stayed home and stayed in their cars. Good call, gals!

Michael Sabbeth and three or our nation's bravest and finest: (from left) Gabriel, Dean and Nick. THANKS, GUYS, FOR YOUR SACRIFICE FOR US!
Here's a few more photos from yesterday's event:
Vintagers at Emerald Isle after the shoot. Photos by Rob Anderson (not pictured, of course).